NEON: Nanophotonics for new
diagnostic and therapeutic approaches in oncology and neurology.
Coordinator: Prof. A.
(Università del Sannio, Benevento – I)
Duration: 30 month, from 30/04/2019 to 31/10/2021
Funding: IUNET share: € 718.875
Partner: It is a MIUR PON-FESR
project with 8 italian partners: 1 University (UniSannio), 2
Consortia (CERITEC, IUNET), 4 enterprises (LFoundry, HPSystems, LINEAR,
units involved:
Università di Roma “La Sapienza”: Dipartimento di Informazione,
Elettronica e
Telecomunicazioni (DIET), Dipartimento di scienze di Base ed Applicate
l’Ingegneria (SBAI), Dipartimento di Ingegneria Meccanica e Aeronautica
Internal IUNET coordinator: Prof. Fabrizio Palma.
Description: In recent years, with
the increase in life expectancy, there has been an increase in the
incidence of
oncological and neurodegenerative diseases whose treatment, despite
advances in
the knowledge of basic mechanisms, still has many "unmet medical
needs". Therefore, scientific research in the field of these
requires more and more relevant new diagnostic and therapeutic
strategies. It
is interesting to note that, despite the differences in the
pathogenesis of
these diseases, it is possible to identify a number of markers whose
is modified in a different way in the various pathologies considered.
Devices that allow the correlation of several parameters
observed in
peripheral blood - liquid biopsies, or tissues of patients with
oncological and
neurodegenerative diseases and the presence of specific circulating
together with the identification of released proteins could improve
diagnosis, provide useful prognostic data for targeting surgery and
helping the
development of targeted and localized therapies.
In this context, this project aims to implement a line of
action aimed at
developing a new class of devices capable of revolutionizing the
techniques and
approaches currently used for diagnosis, prognosis and therapy in the
oncological and neurological field. Specifically, it is proposed to
i) two Lab-On-Fiber probes, one SERS-based probe
for fast and
non-invasive diagnosis and prognosis of various tumor phenotypes and
one probe
for release controlled by light-activated drugs;
ii) Lab-on-Chip (LOC) biosensors, based on both optical
and electronic
techniques, capable of differential diagnosis of different forms of
The project also includes a phase of design,
implementation and
integration of appropriate positioning and/ or manipulation systems for
optic probes into needles as well as microfluidic circuits needed for
release / release of biological fluids, achieving remarkable steps in
to the development of a unique ultra-innovative Therapeutic Instrument
(Lab-in-a-Needle-LIN) that would revolutionize the currently used
diagnosis and
therapy methods.
ADAS+ - Advanced technology and
system developments for automotive safety via Advanced Driver
Assistance System platforms
Coordinator: STMicroelectronics,
Duration: 30 month, from 01/06/2018 to 30/11/2020
Funding: IUNET share € 479.000,40
Partner: It is a MIUR PON-FESR project with 8 italian
partners: 2
Universities (UniCT and UniAG)), 2 Inter-University Consortia (INSTM,
enterprises (STMicroelectronics, MTA-Advanced Automotive Solutions), 2
Districts (Innovaal, DMNS).
units involved:
di Bologna, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia. Internal
IUNET coordinator: Prof. Paolo Pavan.
The ADAS + project aim is to develop an innovative
demonstrator of safe
driving assistance (ADAS +) able to monitor in real time the psycho‐physical state of the driver, his level of sobriety and
the quality of the
air in the passenger compartment. This goal will be achieved through
the use of
advanced silicon‐based technologies, image processing algorithms and nano‐structured materials, integrated into a common platform
that meet the
safe driving standards required for new generation of "smart" cars.
This goal will be pursued through the development and
integration of
three major prototype technological modules:
• Fisio Module made of silicon miniaturized optical
probes based on SiPM
(silicon photomultiplayer) technology, integrated into the steering,
able to
monitor the driver's drowsiness through the real time control of the
heart rate
and its variability.
• Vision module consists of (a) Visible light cameras and
(b) IR light
cameras aimed to detect signs of fatigue or irritability; (c) Silicon
Radar /
Lidar Systems aimed to recognize obstacles outside the passenger
• Chemical Sensor Module constituted by: (a) Multichip
with electrical
transduction to control the driver's sobriety level integrated in the
wheel; (b) Environmental microchip sensors for air quality control of
passenger compartment that include the using of silicon‐based nanostructured materials such as Silicon Nanowire
and MOx (Metal
The above described prototype modules will be integrated
into the final
ADAS + control unit prototype including the silicon components
developed in the
project that will then be validated on test car.