National Interuniversity Consortium for Nanoelectronics (IU.NET)
consists of 14 Italian Universities active in the field of Electronic
Technologies and, in particular, physics, modeling, characterization,
design and reliability of micro- and nano-electronic components for
digital and analog applications, optoelectronic and power devices,
sensors and biosensors, renewable energy production facilities, energy
harvesting and energy storage. The consortium units are the Politecnici
of Milan and Turin and the Universities of Bologna, Calabria, Catania, Ferrara,
Modena and Reggio Emilia, Padua, Perugia, Pisa, Rome "La Sapienza", Udine, Bozen and Venice.
The Consortium was constituted as a legal entity by a formal act on
February 21, 2005. Its statutory bodies are the Assembly of
Representatives, the Scientific Council and the Director. As of March
2017, the President of the Assembly of IU.NET is Prof. Susanna Reggiani
(Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna) and the Director is
Prof. Piero Olivo
(University of Ferrara).
has the statutory purpose of promoting research in its various
application areas, and acts as a support structure for Associated
Universities, coordinating the promotion and implementation of research
projects with high innovative content. In conducting European and
national projects, IU.NET acts as a unified interface of the Italian
Universities, involving from time to time those units with demonstrated
competence in the project's themes, and taking care of the scientific
and administrative reporting of the activities carried out. The
Consortium also organizes every two years courses of advanced training
in the Bertinoro conference facility.
Consortium is a non-profit organization, and does not have its own and
autonomous facilities and laboratories. For the implementation of the
projects, it uses the structures belonging to the Universities
involved, to which it allocates the entire amount of the funding
obtained, save a small percentage that the Universities freely devote
to support the Consortium. The Director and members of the Assembly do
not receive any
remuneration for their roles in IU.NET.
Consortium promotes gender balance within its organizational structure
and that of its affiliated Univerisities. It recently approved the
first release of its Gender Equality Plan (GEP) following the EC requirements.