Director of the Consortium is appointed by the Assembly. His mandate
lasts for three years and is renewable only once. He is the legal
representative of the Consortium. His tasks are described in art. 11 of
the Statute
Prof. Felice Crupi
Felice Crupi (male) received the M.S. degree in
Electronic Engineering from the University of Messina in 1997 and the Ph.D.
degree from the University of Firenze in 2001. Since 2018 he is Full Professor
of Electronics at the University of Calabria. Since 2023 he is
the Director of the IUNET Consortium.
His primary research interests
include electronic device reliability, design of ultra-low power analog
circuits and early assessment of emerging technologies for logic and memory
applications. He has authored over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals
and in international conference proceedings. He served as a technical program
committe member of International Electron Devices Meeting and International
Reliability Physics Symposium. He
has been Associate Editor of IEEE
Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability. He held technical and
coordination responsibility in several national and EU projects.
Act: Minutes of Assembly held on 17/02/2023. Duration: 3 years (Article
11 Statute in force). Remuneration: zero euros.
Full CV
President is elected by the Assembly at the time of his first
convocation. The mandate lasts for a period of three years and is
renewable only once. He chairs the Assembly in accordance with the
prerogatives which it is entitled to. It does not perform any
operational functions and does not have the legal representation of the
Consortium. (Art. 11 Statute)
Prof.ssa Susanna Reggiani
Reggiani is Full Professor at the University of Bologna, Italy, with
the Department of Electronics (DEI) and the Advanced Research Center
for Electronic Systems (ARCES). She received her Ph.D. degree in
Electrical Engineering at the University of Bologna in 2001. Her
scientific activity has been devoted to the physics-based modeling and
characterization of solid-state electronic devices, with special
emphasis on transport models in semiconductors. Since 2007 she has been
involved in Projects dealing with the TCAD analysis of power MOSFETs,
modeling and characterization of hot-carrier stress degradation,
modeling of package influences on high-voltage semiconductor FETs, TCAD
study of the reliability of GaN-on-Si HEMTs, development of physically
based models for SiC-based power devices. She is author/co-author of
more than 200 papers published in referred international journals and
proceedings of international conferences. Full CV
Act: Minutes of Assembly held on 17/02/2023. Duration of assignment: 3
years (Article 10 Statute in force). Remuneration: zero euros.
Assembly is the deliberation body of the Consortium. It is made up of a
representative for each of the consortium universities appointed by the
University according to their respective jurisdictions among the
professors in the nano-electronics sector. Its functions are reported
in art. 10 of the Statute.
Remuneration: zero euros. SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL
The Scientific Council is appointed by the Director and assists him
with advisory functions on all subjects related to Scientific Research.
It is composed of no less than three and no more than seven members of
recognized international standing in the field of Micro and
Nano-electronics. The mandate of the members of the Scientific Council
is three years and ceases at the end of the term of office of the
Director. Functions and competences in art. 12 of the Statute.
Prof. Enrico
Sangiorgi - ALMA
di Ingegneria dell' Energia
Elettrica e dell'Informazione «Guglielmo Marconi»
- https://www.unibo.it/sitoweb/enrico.sangiorgi
Prof.ssa Sabrina Conoci - UNIVERSITA' DEGLI STUDI DI MESSINA - Dipartimento
di Scienze Chimiche, Biologiche, Farmaceutiche e Ambientali https://www.unime.it/it/persona/sabrina-conoci
- Dott.ssa Elisa Vianello - CEA-Leti - Senior Scientist - Edge Artificial Intelligence Program Coordinator - ERC Consolidator Grant DIVERSE CV_Elisa Vianello
Duration of
assignment: 3 years (Article 12 Statute in force). Remuneration: zero
The Review of the Administrative and
Accounting Management of the Consortium is carried out by the Auditors'
Board of Auditors, or by the General Auditor, appointed by the Assembly
among qualified registered officers. The (Board of) Auditor(s) will be
in force for a three-year term. Functions and competences in art. 13 of
the Statute.
Alessandro Saccani
Appointment Act: Minutes of the Assembly held on 17/02/2023.
Annual remuneration: 3,500 euros, plus VAT and 4% CNPADC contribution.
Independent Assessment Body
Annual remuneration: 1,500 euros, plus VAT and 4% CNPADC contribution.
Dr. Sergio Graziosi
Annual remuneration: 4,000 euros, plus VAT and 4% CNPADC contribution.
Dr. Luisa Giaffreda - Studio Zini, Folli e Giaffreda
Annual remuneration: 480,00 euros, plus VAT.
Dr. Gianluca Baraldi
CV Gianluca Baraldi.pdf
IUNET Secretariat
Phone: 051 2095400
Fax: 051 2095410
Email: segreteria@iunet.info
Certified e-mail
In accordance with the obligations laid down by Law 190/2012 and by Dlgs 33/2013 and s.m.i.